

15 STEM Vocabulary Words to Introduce to Your Preschoolers

STEM is here to stay, and more early childhood educators than ever are introducing integrated science, technology, engineering, and math concepts in their classrooms. Children are wired to learn these concepts and the associated language best through hands-on play and...

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The Importance of Loose Parts Learning

What are loose parts, and how do they elevate learning? You may have noticed that Kodo products don’t include a set of directions on how to use them. There are uses implied through product design, but nothing is dictated on...

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Investing in Ourselves: Professional Development for Teachers

National Trends in Professional Development for Teachers We recently returned from NAEYC’s National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development in Baltimore, and are so excited to see and hear of the ways in which the field is growing! We spent...

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Week of the Young Child: Adjust Your Learning Environment

At Kodo, we think a lot about design. We know that an aesthetically pleasing environment contributes to well-being, mood, performance, and attention span. Environments can make us feel welcomed or uncomfortable. They can invite play and investigation or thwart it....

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Week of the Young Child: Ask Open Ended Questions in Early Childhood Education

Open Ended Questions in Early Childhood Education Promotes Critical Thinking Skills Too often we find ourselves solving problems on behalf of our children. We direct them when to add more glue, where to put the ramp, how to stabilize the...

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Kodo Balance Endorsement

Kodo Awarded GEI Seal of Endorsement for Educational Products

We are honored to announce that the Kodo Balance has earned the Global Educator Institute Seal of Endorsement, placing it among the best educational products available today! GEI recognizes the very best in classroom-tested, teacher-approved educational products using a vigorous assessment...

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15 Museums Supporting STEM for Preschool

At Kodo, we believe the best learning happens through exploration and investigation. We also understand and value the importance of STEM in early childhood curriculum in order to build a future where today's children become tomorrow's leaders and problem-solvers.  These fifteen museums (with a bonus #16!)...

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