

Failing as a Road to Success : A Kodo Philosophy of Education

Click to download a printable PDF “Failure” - it’s the forbidden word that’s been shunned by many educators, parents, and child care providers alike. No one wants to see their children fail, of course. It is our love and concern...

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Inquiry Approach to Teaching : Introducing Constraints

Colette, age 4+ yrs., has a vivid imagination and routinely creates complex block structures, intricate drawings, and has a knack for detailed storytelling. She’ll often use the contents of an entire shelf when constructing one of her ideas. When she...

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Uncovering Learning Through Unstructured Play

At Kodo we’re big fans of plenty of time for unstructured play, due to the many benefits for both children and teachers. It occurs daily in most, if not all, preschool programs here in the US. You might know it...

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Apples From Supermarkets - Learning Where Food Comes From

If you ask a child where an apple comes from, it’s not surprising to hear them exclaim confidently, “from the supermarket”! Hamburgers come from McDonald’s and water comes from the faucet. It makes perfect sense. When the family needs more...

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#ILookLikeAnEngineer : How Preschool STEM Activities Can Change the Future

A few months ago, we published a blog about a recent buzz in the media about girls and boys with toys, which stemmed from discussion about the disequilibrium of women and men in scientific fields. This week, that conversation has...

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What are we growing in Colorado? - Kodo's Preschool Garden

Spring and Summer always signal to early childhood educators, gardeners, and farmers of all sorts that planting should be underway! Gardening is one of the greatest sensory preschool activities that allows children to develop an understanding of their natural world....

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