Magnet Wall Metal Cups Pack
SKU: 100051
Appropriate for ages 3+
- 4 - Stainless Steel Cups
- 4 - Magnetic Cup Holders
- Made in the USA
Ideas & Concepts
- Introduce the Magnet Wall Cups Holders formally during a small group experience or arrange the parts on your Magnet Wall for children to discover on their own.
- Fill each of the cups with a specific ball type. Invite the children to test and compare the motion, speed and distance of the balls on a ramp course of their design.
- After children have had many opportunities to explore the holders with the cups, remove the cups and offer See Inside Pipe or pieces from Kodo's Tube set. Encourage children to use the holders to hold the pipes and tubes.
- Arrange the parts with your Outdoor Magnet Wall along with a bin full of water or a hose for children to explore freely.
- Encourage children to invent other ways to use the parts, such as a means for producing a sound.
Complete it with these