

Introducing New Materials to Support the Toys and Games Interest Area

How many times have you played peek-a-boo with a child? Too many to count, I would assume. Children naturally engage in games starting at a very early age, hiding themselves with their hands or with a blanket draped over them. As...

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Jurassic Sand and Mobile Science and Sensory Lab

Sand and Water Play Is Irresistible!

Most young children love squishy, messy, slimy, and gooey things. Very few can resist a stomp through a puddle, or the satisfaction of mixing up a really nice mud pie. There’s something compelling about the feel of soft warm sand, sudsy water, or cool crisp leaves. It’s no wonder sensory play and exploration are a staple in early childhood programs. And it’s no surprise that natural sensory materials like sand and water can be both calming and energizing, resulting in focused sustained engagement.

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Beyond Recess – Playgrounds Today

Playground Memories I recently came across a few old photos of my kindergarten playground. The space was basically a concrete pad that featured monkey bars made of pipe, a slide, a painted hopscotch court, and a bench. It didn’t have...

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Coping in Times of Emotional Stress

My heart is breaking….my brain is swimming…my emotions are raw… How do you put on paper what you are feeling during this time? As an educator and one that worked diligently to provide a safe learning space for all children,...

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Tips and Tricks to Reset Math

Maintaining interest and engagement in the math area can be challenging. But we want to help! Let’s take a quick look at how to re-set your Math area!

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Ramp Investigations - More Than Just a Book

Are you interested in our Investigation Books but not sure what it's about? Do you have an investigation book from Kodo but not really sure how to get started? Read on.....

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Story Driven Block Play with the Kodo Playscape Platforms

Imaginative social play occurs in many places within the classroom. We love to encourage social play everywhere both indoors and out!

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