

Kenneth Wesson on Asking Children Questions

Many of you reading this know that I’m a parent. Every school year I attempt to pry information out of my son about his experience in school. This usually goes about as well as a novice opening a clamshell for...

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Play Training With the Tools of Children

Here we go again, another school year is in play. Play is one of the key words to our success as early childhood educators. At Kodo, we’ve been delivering play training to programs that serve infants through pre-kindergarteners. Our focus...

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Stories from the Classroom : Representational Play

Sammy, age three, loves trains. He loves all the parts of trains- the wheels, stacks, engines, types of cars and, of course, their tracks. He loves a familiar tank engine whose popular name I need not mention. One summer morning...

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The Benefits of Water Play

What is it about water that makes it so inviting for children? They’re driven to pour it, mix it and dump things into it. They like to carry it about in buckets and bins, use it to fill up bowls...

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Learning Directions : Up, Down, and Sideways

While having a snack with my young friends at Wildflower Preschool we had a conversation about helping one another. Some children were excited to tell me that they helped their teacher, Amy, get some things from her car. They were...

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Every Picture Tells a Story - Spontaneous Preschool Outdoor Games

Not too long ago we took this photo while on a hike with a class of pre-k children. At first I prodded the children onward, intending that we stick together in our large group. Soon I overheard the rumblings of...

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Planning and Planting Your Outdoor Preschool Classroom

Time to start thinking about spring and revitalizing our outdoor preschool classroom. No matter your climate, changes in the seasons always seem to stir up the desire to clean, paint and build. I happened to be doing a little research on...

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