Do you cringe when you hear online learning, e-learning, online training, or even just online? Many educators visibly shudder when hearing those words and for good reason. It has become the main way that many of us are learning right now, whether that be children or through professional development opportunities. 

So many of us are used to professional development being a day of learning new ideas, interacting with others, and getting rejuvenated. Last week virtually attending the NAEYC Annual Conference was a great experience and very well done, but it just wasn’t the same! I missed seeing friends, colleagues, and making new friends! The week prior, I had the thrill of attending a Leadercast Event. It was hosted in the local movie theatre, where we were all socially distanced, wore masks, and viewed a variety of amazing speakers. What made this so different? Well, for one, we got popcorn, candy, drinks, sat in comfortable chairs, and got to interact with others. I’m still reflecting on my notes and how much joy that day brought me! 

As an individual that thrives on attending professional development events throughout the year, I recognize the challenges of creating thoughtful opportunities for all educators. Kodo Certified Trainers may not be traveling this year (or anytime soon it seems), but we are working to adapt and adjust our training opportunities. When offering professional development for your program, consider the following: 

  • Utilize our Virtual Learning asynchronous sessions to work around everyone’s schedule. These provide educators the opportunity to explore a variety of topics at their own pace. Take the learning to another level through scheduling times to discuss the topics and activities that are part of the sessions. 
  • Consider the Professional Development Bundles to receive a kit of materials to utilize during a live training session. These bundles are curated with a specific training session and utilize the materials for hands-on application to provide educators with immediate tools, ideas, and learning opportunities to implement in the environment. 
  • Contact us about a customized option! Kodo has worked with many programs this fall to create a customized kit and live virtual professional development session. This allows each educator to have a kit of materials to utilize during the virtual session! This allows us to assimilate a hands-on learning experience similar to what is found during our in-person training events.

If any of these options are of interest to you, don’t hesitate to contact our Director of Professional Development to discuss what option would work best for you and/or your program. Additionally, the opportunity to discuss how to make a virtual professional development opportunity engaging, fun, and inspiring!

