
Outdoor Ramps

Re-Inventing Outdoor Play and Learning - Part 1

With warm weather here, children and adults are wanting to get back outdoors. Even with limitations currently in place, active play and learning is still vital! Most programs are in the process of assessing the tools and equipment that are...

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Loose Parts

Displaying and Organizing Loose Parts

Many questions that we hear involving Loose Parts have to do with how we organize and display the Loose Parts.  A simple concept to consider when organizing materials is “less is more”.  When there is a combination of too many...

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Kodo Color Mix

Loose Parts For All Ages

On January 27th, Miriam Beloglovsky and Kodo had the wonderful opportunity to present the webinar, Provoking Inquiry with Loose Parts, in collaboration with Early Childhood Investigations. With that, we received such thoughtful and meaningful questions around Loose Parts. Throughout the...

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Loose Parts and COVID

On January 27th, Miriam Beloglovsky and Kodo had the wonderful opportunity to present the webinar, Provoking Inquiry with Loose Parts, in collaboration with Early Childhood Investigations. With that, we received such thoughtful and meaningful questions around Loose Parts. Throughout the...

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Giving Tuesday

This year for Giving Tuesday Kodo Kids decided to do things a little differently. We had our employees split up into two teams and pick their own charities to donate to. Instead of raising money just on Giving Tuesday, we...

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Virtual Learning Opportunities That Are Engaging

Do you cringe when you hear online learning, e-learning, online training, or even just online? Many educators visibly shudder when hearing those words and for good reason. It has become the main way that many of us are learning right...

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Enhancing Discovery with the ‘S’ in STEM

Fostering STEM skills in young children, often starts with the materials you have available in your environment. However, it is more than the materials, but rather, how the Educator facilitates learning with materials and how the children utilize the material....

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