Spectrum Light Lab - Kodo Kids
Spectrum Light Table
Spectrum Light Lab
Spectrum Light Lab
Spectrum Light Lab
Spectrum Light Table
Spectrum Light Lab
Spectrum Light Lab
Spectrum Light Lab
Full Screen

Spectrum Light Lab


The Spectrum Light Lab encourages investigation of the fundamental elements of white and colored light. Children will naturally engage in dramatic play, construction, problem solving, and more as they immerse themselves in exploration.

Our Spectrums are typically made to order and can take 6 to 8 weeks from your order date to arrive.

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With a new design, Kodo’s Spectrum Light Lab gives children the opportunity to explore and compare white light and colored light, all in the same space. Two bright light panels are mounted to a storage cabinet base. The circular light panel features three knobs, (permanently mounted to the top surface), which children use to mix the colors. The rectangular panel remains white. Open shelves allow you to store materials easily and have been designed to accommodate baskets, trays, or bins, such as the example shown in the photograph. This beautiful piece allows you to create a Light and Color Interest Area in a science or discovery space, art studio, common area, library, and more. All you’ll need is a power source. For best visual intensity, place away from direct sunlight and bright overhead lighting.


  • Spectrum Light Lab
  • Screen Protector
  • Power cord

The Spectrum Light Lab is 29 inches wide x 48 inches long x 23 inches tall. Uses a standard 110 outlet. Appropriate for ages 2+ Child Safety Warning – This product is intended for use by children of immature judgment, therefore adult supervision is required at all times.

Accessories are sold separately.

Our Spectrums are typically made to order and can take 6 to 8 weeks from your order date to arrive.

Support young children’s explorations with books such as these:

  • The Rainbow Goblin, The White Goblin by Ul De Rico
  • The Rainbow Book by Kate Ohrt
  • Oscar And The Moth by Geoff Waring
  • Light: Shadow, Mirrors, and Rainbows by Natalie M. Rosinsky
  • The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons

Our Spectrums are typically made to order and can take 6 to 8 weeks from your order date to arrive.

transparent, translucent, opaque, hue, shade (color), diffuse, absorption, shadow, eclipse, beam, wave, radiant, luminous, non-luminous, illumination, reflection, refraction, intensity, brightness, visible, invisible, glow, highlight
(TIP: Print the vocabulary words on transparencies and then use the directly on the Spectrum Light Lab)

Suggested accessories:

  • Clear Acrylic Magnetic Building Toys
  • Clear, acrylic boxes and other containers
  • Plastic mirrors
  • Theater lighting gels
  • Tissue Paper
  • String, yarn, and shoelaces
  • X-rays