Number Pebbles Sum-building Set
SKU: 201106
- Two each of numbers 0–20
- Two each of operations +, – and =
- One each of operations x and ÷.
- Introduce the pebbles on a table with several placemats, pieces of felt, or laminted paper sheets. Invite free play with the pebbles.
- Offer them with your classroom number word cards, number array cards or on trays with manipulatives or counters to encourage children's operational thinking.
- Use the pebbles as examples for number symbol writing practice in the Writer's Center.
- Offer them in a basket or bin for transporting to the Block Play, Loose Parts, Dramatic Play or Story Making centers of your classroom.
- Use them outdoors in a mud kitchen using natural materials & mud.
- Place several in a sensory table or sensry bin to be used like hidden treasures or add them to your classroom treasure basket.
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