Kodo’s Funnel Stand has become a staple in programs around the globe since 2012. Originally designed to elevate funnels in the sensory table, this preschooler top pick has instant appeal. Children love using the stand as intended and in no time at all they’ll find many other tools to use with it. We hear about these ideas from programs all the time and thought we’d share a few favorite ideas with all! 

Try These Items Under The Funnels….

  • Measuring Cups
  • Graduated Cylinders
  • Clean Empty Tea Tins
  • Small Pitchers and Pails
  • Small Watering Cans
  • Another Funnel Stand! (We loved how these children propped up the Funnel Stand and placed a Toddler Funnel Stand under it!) 

Children Also Like To Remove the Funnels & Add ....

  • Turkey Basters (with bulb removed)
  • Pop Tubes 
  • Small Mesh Strainers or Flat Plastic Drain Strainers
  • Pipe Sections and Pipe Fittings
  • Test Tubes
Over the years we’ve learned that children love to explore a variety of materials with the funnel stand. It’s not surprising that sand tops the list. Here are some others…
  • Goop/Gak/Slime
  • Jurassic Sand that’s been mixed with cool water  - ooh that’s fun!
  • Snow and Shaved Ice
  • Water (especially with a little soap or bubble solution mixed in!)

That’s Not a Funnel Stand, It’s A…

When children are able to move tools and materials throughout the classroom their imaginations often take flight. Here are some unique ways we’ve seen and heard about over the years….
  • “We scrubbed our funnel stand and used it during an ice cream social to fill actual ice cream cones. It was so fun and worked great! Then the kids played with it in the housekeeping area for weeks after as they acted out the roles of their own ice cream shop. They pretended the funnels were the cones and when more children wanted cones they made some out of construction paper and tape. Thanks for the inspiration!”  
  • “The Kodo Funnel Stand has become so much more than a tool for the sensory table. Our class takes it outside and regularly uses it as a big fountain in their block play just like the fountain in our local park. Lately they’ve turned it into a prop for holding bouquets in our class flower shop. Thanks for creating such a wonderful tool!”  
If you have a story of how your young explorers use your classroom Funnel Stand or Toddler Funnel Stand, we’d love to hear from you!   

