- Condiment squirt bottles and/or spray bottles for outdoor play
- Bowls or cups and paintbrushes for indoor play
- Water to fill bowls, cups, condiment bottles, etc.
- Food dye or liquid watercolor
- Activity Tray to contain snow and other materials (optional)
- Scoops or spoons for mixing and moving snow (optional)
To begin, first decide if you will be outside or inside. If you are outside, we recommend using squirt bottles and/or spray bottles as your “paint brushes”. If you are indoors, select bowls with different size and shaped paint brushes that are ideal for the size of your workspace. To begin, have your children fill the bottles or bowls with water. Next, add and mix food dye colors to the water. We strongly encourage that children lead the color mixing; invite them to choose their colors, how much to use, and which colors to mix. Be sure to provide a large variety of color options to support a color mixing investigation! If you’re going to bring snow into the classroom, we recommend using trays, like our water-tight Activity Tray, to contain the snow. Within the trays, using scoops and other common classroom items, like spoons, cups, or straws, can help create designs, piles, or a smooth surface to work on. Stones or other natural materials can be added into the snow art to create multi-media masterpieces! Children love to collect loose parts from the classroom (point out some that won’t be stained by food dye) to add into their creations. If you are able to go outside, we strongly recommend you do. Outdoor Investigations have fewer restraints - your “workspace” spans the entire area of the yard. The sun may even play a part in the creative process as melting snow will affect the children’s colorful designs. Playing outside opens up so many doors to building, sculpting, and role playing - or just creating modern art masterpieces!

- Did children use any unconventional methods of measurement when mixing colors ?
- Did children identify any of the physical properties of the snow, ice, or water?
- What challenges or constraints does snow offer, when used as a building or art material?
- How did you help children note the temporariness of the art and understand why it changed?
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