On March 8th, Kodo founder Chris Hume presented at SXSWedu alongside National Head Start Executive Director Yasmina Vinci, Divisional Director Head Start and Early Head Start Wassy Tesfa, and Lisa Brahms, the Director of Learning and Research at the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh. The distinguished panel addressed Fostering the Maker Movement in Early Childhood Education. Says Hume, "The audience questions and participation were great, and included incredible discussion on how to facilitate the tinker mindset in both children and teachers. The insight the other panelists brought to the room was inspiring - Brahms delved into makerspaces for multiple ages, while Tesfa brought wisdom on implementing makerspaces into your program." At Kodo, we wholeheartedly support the maker movement in education, especially early education. We look forward to being a driving force in this movement in the years to come. We encourage you to watch some of the clips from our presentation below to learn more about the future of Makerspaces in early childhood education!

The panel responds to "what does makerspace mean to you?"


Addressing Technology in the Classroom
