

Snow Paintings: STEM Activities for Kids

If you’re living in the United States, you are likely very aware that the middle of our country very recently got blanketed by lots and lots of snow! To be precise, 14” fell here at our office in Broomfield, Colorado...

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Where does food come from? An Investigation Inspiration

Last week on the Kodo Blog we discussed the question ‘where does food come from?’ with children in mind. When the family needs food, a trip to the supermarket is planned. It’s natural for a child to assume that that’s where apples...

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Field Notes : Using Ice on the Magnetic Wall

We just tried using ice with the Outdoor Mag Wall. It was a perfect opportunity because the kids were moving water from our water pump, along the path to "cool the concrete." The children are used to using water on...

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STEM Outdoor Play Ideas: Birds, Bricks, and Heart-Shaped Rocks

A Little Birdie Told Me No matter our location; the city, the suburbs, the country, or oceanside, we see and hear birds. Children spot them all the time and are often curious about them. How many classroom science centers include...

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STEM Engineering - Building with Sand Bags

As you may know, last week here in Colorado the Heavens let loose a torrent of rain. For over 5 days Boulder and surrounding areas received 17 inches of rain, 9 of which fell in one day. Our yearly average...

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Learning the Concept of Balance

“In mathematics, the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it.” - Georg Cantor When we think of math and physics we don’t usually think of preschoolers; however, the Kodo Kids Balance is a...

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Pinball Deflectors and Newtons Three Laws of Motion

This fall we have been thinking about how to provide depth within the realm of STEM, specifically within Engineering. In this second email of our fall email series, we will explore how to add another mathematical concept to ramp play...

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